200 for 200 Challenge

To represent the roughly 200 kids we support in Bali, we have carved out a 200-hour window (8 days) where we each have the opportunity to lay it all on the line and “go without for those without”.

How does it work?

  1. Pick a challenge
  2. Fundraise
  3. Complete the challenge

When does the challenge start?

Students pick a challenge to take on and begin fundraising right away. The 200 for 200 Challenge itself starts on Thursday 14 March and End Friday 22 March. Students have 200 hours to complete.

what are the challenges? 

what are the challenges? 

what are the challenges? 

what are the challenges? 

what are the challenges? 

  • Surf 200 Waves
  • Swim 200 meters each day
  • Walk 20,000 steps each day
  • Run 2 kilometers each day
  • Ride 20 kilometers each day
  • 200 Pushups each day
  • Recite 100 digits of Pi in 2 minutes
  • Recite 200 unique Indonesian words
  • 200 minutes of community service
  • 200 hours without Caffeine/Sugar
  • 200 hours without social media/TV
  • 200 hours without gaming
  • 200 hours without hot showers
  • Bake 200 cupcakes/cookies to sell in the community
  • Read the New Testament